Advancing engagement in antimicrobial stewardship through effective communication strategies

Julia Szymczak will be presenting as part of Public Health Ontario Rounds.

As a key initiative to mitigate the public health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), Public Health Ontario promotes the advancement of antimicrobial stewardship across all healthcare sectors. Antimicrobial overuse is a key driver of antimicrobial resistance, so initiatives to improve prescribing behaviour are instrumental in addressing AMR. This PHO Rounds will make a compelling justification for the importance of considering communication in the implementation of antibiotic stewardship interventions. It will provide an overview of communication strategies that stewardship stakeholders can use to engage with prescribers to improve the use of antibiotics.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the importance of social dynamics for change in healthcare with respect to antibiotic stewardship
  • Identify common communication challenges in antibiotic stewardship
  • Describe strategies to communicate effectively with prescribers, to improve antibiotic prescribing

Registration via the event website is required.