Third annual AMR Symposium

To mark World AMR Awareness Week, we are excited to continue our partnership with bioMerieux Canada to bring you the third annual AMR symposium on November 19 and 20, 2024.

Click here for a sneak peek of the symposium agenda!

Poster abstract submissions are now open!

National and international trainees (undergraduate & graduate students, postdoctoral fellows & clinical fellows), research associates and research/laboratory technicians doing AMR-related work are eligible to submit abstracts. For those abstracts selected for inclusion in the poster session, the presenting author will receive free registration to attend the AMR symposium. Prize details and eligibility can be found below: 

Travel Awards (deadline to submit abstracts – Sept 15th; awardees will be notified by Sept 23rd) 

  • Eligibility: Only trainees residing in Canada  
  • Award value: $1,500 CAD  
  • Number of awards: two awards per territory: Western Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan), Eastern Canada (Quebec and Atlantic Canada) and Ontario. 

Please note that international trainees and trainees from the Greater Toronto Area are not eligible for travel awards. Registration fees will be waived for all the travel awardees and applicants (including international applicants) selected to present posters at the symposium.   

Poster Prizes (adjudicated at the AMR symposium poster session): 

bioMérieux-sponsored poster prize 

  • Eligibility: Trainees, research associates and/or research/laboratory technicians residing in Canada 
  • Award value: $1,000 CAD 
  • Number of prizes: 1 

EPIC-sponsored poster prize: 

  • Eligibility: EPIC trainees only 
  • Award value: $500 CAD 
  • Number of prizes: 1 

For more details about eligibility and selection criteria, please click here. 

To be considered for a travel award, please submit your abstract before September 15th. The deadline for general abstract submission is November 4th. 

Submit your abstract now.