EPIC Trainee Hallowe’en Social

Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, Event rooms 3A/3B 686 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

EPIC’s Trainee Advisory Committee is hosting a Halloween party! This is a fun and relaxed social and the perfect opportunity for trainees to unwind, socialize with fellow trainees and unleash their creative side with some festive pumpkin painting. Trainees will also have the opportunity to enter their decorated pumpkin in a design contest for the […]

Inference of gene regulatory mechanisms from scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq

Red Seminar Room, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research

Offered by Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, this seminar is useful for researchers doing single cell genomic analyses. Emily R. Miraldi, associate professor of Immunobiology and Biomedical Informatics at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center will discuss how single cell sequencing techniques can be used in gene regulation studies. The seminar is a […]

EPIC Trainee Pizza Talks

CCBR Red Room

This seminar series, organized by EPIC’s Trainee Advisory Committee is a no-PI space for trainees to practice presenting and an opportunity to discuss their research with other students, post-docs and RAs that are across various research fields. It is an excellent opportunity for trainees to connect and interact with other trainees! We kick off the […]

Image Integrity in Scientific Research

UTS Building 371 Bloor St West. Room 114, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This is an interactive and public seminar on image integrity in scientific research, presented by Elizabeth Bik, a world-renowned expert in scientific image manipulation and misconduct. Offered by U of T’s Research Oversight and Compliance Office and UHN’s Research Quality Integration Office it is open to all life science researchers at UofT, including faculty, graduate […]

Genomics of pandemics fast & slow: COVID 19 and antimicrobial resistance

Galbraith Building, Room 220 35 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In this seminar, Andrew McArthur, professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, and David Braley Chair in Computational Biology at McMaster University will discuss the current infectious diseases landscape, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and the need for effective surveillance. Using the COVID 19 pandemic as an example his talk will highlight need […]

Research Ethics in the Health Sciences Info Session

The Human Research Ethics Unit is hosting an informational session to address research ethics in all types of research involving human participants in the health sciences. This seminar includes a talk by Daniel Gyewu, Research Ethics Board Manager, Health Sciences, followed by a Q&A session. Topics to be discussed: History and principles behind research ethics […]

Fighting the Trolls: How Researchers can Navigate Online Spaces More Safely

This virtual seminar is offered by The Centre for Research & Innovation Support (CRIS) and The Conversation Canada and aimed at mitigating online harassment and trolling related to sharing research findings on social media and other digital platforms. This online workshop offers evidence-based strategies for scholars to mitigate the perils of online environments. For registration […]

Vaccines in Older Individuals: Barriers to uptake and possible solutions

Virtual on Zoom

Join EPIC faculty member Allison McGeer (Mount Sinai Hospital), and speakers Christine Fahim (St. Michael’s Hospital) and Melissa Andrew (Dalhousie University) in this Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases (CVPD) hosted webinar. Presentations will explore the reasons for sub-optimal immunization coverage for older adults in Canada, including complex eligibility criteria, access issues, hesitancy from older individuals […]

Strategies for Writing Research Articles

Health Sciences Building 155 College St., Toronto, on, Canada

About the Workshop  Developing your ability to write clear, convincing research articles is an important part of your graduate experience. Exactly how to develop this ability, however, might feel anything but obvious. This workshop is designed to demystify your writing-development process by exploring the rhetorical logic of research articles, offering solutions to common problems associated […]

Third annual AMR Symposium

To mark World AMR Awareness Week, we are excited to continue our partnership with bioMerieux Canada to bring you the third annual AMR symposium on November 19 and 20, 2024. Registration is now open! Click here to register, and here for a sneak peek of the symposium agenda. Poster abstract submissions are now also open! To submit […]