Experts gather at EPIC symposium to discuss how to bolster support for infectious disease research and pandemic preparedness

Experts gather at EPIC symposium to discuss how to bolster support for infectious disease research and pandemic preparedness

A panel of experts called for sustained funding investments, stronger ready-to-use infrastructure and improved communications to help Canada break the cycle of panic and neglect around infectious diseases. These themes emerged from a discussion at the first annual Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium symposium held in mid-October. The panelists included Leah Cowen, vice-president, research and innovation, and strategic initiatives at the University of Toronto, Marisa Creatore, executive director of the Centre for Research on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and U of T President Emeritus David Naylor.

October 17, 2023: First annual EPIC Symposium

October 17, 2023: First annual EPIC Symposium

We are excited to announce that the first annual Emerging and Pandemic Infections Consortium symposium will take place on October 17, 2023 at the Old Mill Toronto Hotel! Please join us for a day of research, networking and community-building.