CRISPR diagnostics for tackling antimicrobial resistance

EPIC member Nicole Weckman will be presenting her work on developing new CRISPR-based diagnostics for identification of multidrug resistant pathogens at Public Health Ontario's Microbiology Rounds. Register through the event […]

Careers in Industry Workshop

Medical Science Building, Room 4171 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON, Canada

Are you a trainee doing infectious disease-related research who is interested in a career in industry? Do you want to learn more about different microbiology- and infectious disease-related industry roles? […]

Understanding the role of vaccine delivery on humoral response

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2170 1 King’s College Circle, Room 2170, Toronto, ON, Canada

EPIC member Jen Gommerman hosts fellow EPIC member Aereas Aung as part of the Department of Immunology’s Easton Seminar Series.