CRISPR diagnostics for tackling antimicrobial resistance

EPIC member Nicole Weckman will be presenting her work on developing new CRISPR-based diagnostics for identification of multidrug resistant pathogens at Public Health Ontario's Microbiology Rounds. Register through the event […]

Careers in Industry Workshop

Medical Science Building, Room 4171 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON, Canada

Are you a trainee doing infectious disease-related research who is interested in a career in industry? Do you want to learn more about different microbiology- and infectious disease-related industry roles? […]

Understanding the role of vaccine delivery on humoral response

Medical Sciences Building, Room 2170 1 King’s College Circle, Room 2170, Toronto, ON, Canada

EPIC member Jen Gommerman hosts fellow EPIC member Aereas Aung as part of the Department of Immunology’s Easton Seminar Series.

Computational design of antigens and self-assembling nanoparticle vaccines

Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning, Event rooms 3A/3B 686 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

EPIC member Jean-Philippe Julien hosts Neil King (University of Washington) for a talk as part of the SickKids Research Institute Molecular Medicine Seminar Series. Following the talk, there will be […]